May 30, 2011

MAC/Loft/Piercing Pagoda/JC Penny's Haul!

Happy Monday & Memorial Day!
I want to thanks those who have served our country. You all have made such a tremendous difference in this world!

Here's a list of what I got:

Girl On Board Lipglass (from the Surf, Baby! collection)

Ann Taylor Loft:
2 Pairs of shorts: baby pink & tan

Piercing Pagoda:
Earrings, the same ones that I lost

JC Penny's:
5 Shirts


BTW- Be sure to enter my MAC giveaway!
xoxoox Vienna

Bring on the pictures:

May 28, 2011



"Just because today is a terrible day doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life. You gotta get there."- Unknown

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller 

Hello, everyone. I have many close friends that live in Joplin. My best friend is currently in the hospital suffering major injuries, along with her brothers (2; ages 18 and 12) and their mother. I had an idea of a 'follow for $' idea, stating that if you follow this blog, I will donate $$$ to Red Cross Joplin Tornado relief.

All you have to do is follow this blog. For every 10 followers, I will donate $10 of my own money. 

Thank you all!

MAC Surf Baby Contest and Giveaway!

Ahhhh! I am SO excited. I am going to be presenting my MAC Surf, Baby contest!

Here's the rules:

1) Comment saying what your favorite thing to do at the beach is (enter as many time as you will like!) 

3) Have fun!

The winner will receive: 

Girl on Board Lip Glass and Strange Potion Lipglass 
Surf USA Eyeshadow 
.... and MAC Surf Baby Studio Careblend Pressed Powder

Contest/ Giveaway is international. All entries must be received by JULY 17th. 


Photo Cred to Vampy Varnish 

My MAC Palette & MAC Eyeshadow Collection!

Hey, y'all! If you saw my one of my previous posts, the one on my makeup collection, then you know that I left one thing out... my MAC palette! I just got 2 new eyeshadows, so I am happy to show them you you all.
 No Flash
 No Flash
 Rich and Earthy
 Vibrant Grape
 Free to Be 
 All that Glitters
 Skin Tone 2 (look at top of picture below to see true color!)
 Silver Ring
 Green Smoke
 Skin Tone No. 1 
Vanilla Pressed Pigment

Thanks a lot, dolls!
xoxo Vienna